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Welcome to Lifeinsurance coverage

We are one of Canada's leading suppliers of life, travel, business, disability, and health insurance. Our goal is to make insurance easy affordable to purchase.Get insurance in 17mins ans Save upto 30%.We are the trusted travel insurance brokers in Canada and offer you the best and a comprehensive selection of suited plan according to your need. We know you're looking for the best plans, honest service, and comprehensive coverage. You can compare with us the latest online quotes and buy high quality policies at lower prices from top Canadian companies that will help you to covered for visit to Canada. We can help you find the most suitable plans according to your health and your affordability.

Our Signature Plan-

The Real Comprehensive Plan - Great Value for your money. Most insurance plans for Super Visa are for medical emergencies only. We are proud to bring to you a plan that is a real comprehensive plan, in addition to the coverage for medical emergencies, it also covers non-medical emergency for the following benefits:-

Annual check-up

Just like you can go to your family doctor for an annual check-up, the same way your parents can also go for an annual check-up and use the benefit up to $250 for the doctor visit or lab tests, etc.

Eye Exam

Once a year, you can get eyes examined up to $100 benefit and can be a routine checkup, does not have to an emergency


Up to $100 for vaccines and is non-emergency treatment.